Christian Boylove Forum

Re: My prayer for you, brother

Submitted by Chris on December 20 1999 at 19:43:39
In reply to Not just a rough night, a couple of rough days. Submitted by KPK on December 20 1999 at 12:27:48


I have a prayer for you, good brother and friend. I love you too, KPK. Here it is:

Dear Father in Heaven, please greatly bless my brother, KPK. He lives in such pain from his past and even the present. Please show him your great love and move him past the pain and suffering. Lord, please let my brother have a very great Christmas this year, in a way that will inspire and move him. And please, Lord, fill his heart to overflowing with your love!

Father, bless and keep KPK very close to you. He loves you with his whole heart, Father, and I know this because of everything he writes. He is your child, Lord, and I am trusting that you will take him into your loving arms and heal his heart from the bitterness of years of abuse from others. And I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son and our Savior.



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