Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Romantic relationships

Submitted by F.O.D. on December 24 1999 at 00:54:46
In reply to Romantic relationships Submitted by Mark on December 23 1999 at 23:39:12

This is a nice topic. Wish I had more time to talk right now, but I'm trying to rush...

I consider my relationship with E to be "romantic", as far as that goes (and I really don't know how far that is :) ).

One practical example: after E's mum pulled him and Y off to another church, so I didn't see them as much as I had, I had more spare time and was able to get to know another family better. They had a boy about E and Y's age. One day I decided I'd take this other boy and his sister in to town, but I wanted to invite E and Y as well (I want to be with them as much as possible).

Now you have to understand this was about the time when E was going through the phase (he was 13 or 14 by then) where he didn't want to hold my hand all the time any more. Now the third boy (I suppose I should find a name for him) was emotionally young for his age, though in others ways was a tough kid, but he would sometimes hold my hand as we walked.

Anyway, the five of us met up together, and when E saw T (T for "three", see? ;) ) holding on to me, he took no time in assuming his rightful place, taking hold of my hand. He wasn't giving me up for anyone! Especially not to some unknown third party!

So that's the way we went along, me in the middle escorted by a boy on the right and a boy on the left, Y and the sister walking along with us.

(Y loves hand-holding too, but he was mostly a wonderfully contented and balanced chap, and would be just as happy not to hold hands as circumstances dictated. Actually, at other times when it was just the 3 of us with Y and E, Y would more often hold my hand, while E would lag behind a couple of metres. He got strange like that. Which made it all the more interesting when this time with T he was very firm in taking his place by my side)

I think this thought of "nonsexual romance" is a wonderful one! To be able to be with each other just because you like being with each other, and when you know that the two of you are together because you both know that you simply like being with each other. I think it must be a marvellous image of heaven and being with God and he with us.

Have you ever noticed the similarities between Song of Songs 2:16 and Revelation 21:3 ?

Merry Christmas!


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