Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Romantic relationships

Submitted by BLues. on December 25 1999 at 02:48:24
In reply to Romantic relationships Submitted by Mark on December 23 1999 at 23:39:12

Hello Mark.

Am I correct in thinking that you are possibly considering pursuing a relationship with this boy you lay awake at night and think about? Or just wondering what it would be like? If the boy is gay, and attracted to you, and would want a relationship, then I would (if I were you) pursue it. (FLAME ME PLEASE!) :o)

The benifit is that you get to experience the love that you want so badly to have. I don't think that it is wrong to want to be close(r) to someone. I really can't offer a Christian angle to this. Can only tell you to follow your heart. I don't want to hurt my already meager presence on this board but I have to say this... If you do something that you don't believe is wrong...than how can He hold you accountable for it? I know you think and ponder alot so maybe the ignorance excuse isn't an option your heart I still think you believe there wouldn't be anything wrong with it. I say go for it!

On the could lose the job you love so much. And invite, though questionable, unnecissary sin into your life.

But if the relationship, any relationship, is mutual than I really don't see how it could be wrong. I'm talking about in the grand scheme of things, not stupid peoples perceptions of man/boy relationships.

Michael loved our relationship. It never escalated to a sexual level, which took much, much, much discipline on my part due to his early blossomed sexuality! He was sad when we were apart. Ecstatic when we were together. We were usually romantic with one another. Often acting like a married couple. Guess how these word groupings line up correctly...

sadness and ecstasy
wrong and right

Ah well, good luck my friend. If I was way off about your interest in this than hope ya got something from it anyway.

See ya.

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