Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Proper Fear

Submitted by Ben on December 25 1999 at 11:44:25
In reply to Proper Fear Submitted by Compasion on December 25 1999 at 01:18:24

Mark -
I believe that a healthy fear of God is a good thing. Otherwise, we tend to get caught up in our own interpretations of the Word, rather than the real message that Jesus brought to us. With this in mind, we see again and again that God is highly unbending. The wages of sin are death, however God's grace (ie - his underserved forgiveness) has saved us from all of our sins no matter how grave. Understanding that we should fear God and should revere his wishes, but that we are pardoned when we blow it, gives us the right balance between doing what we know is right, and not getting discouraged.

As you said, Jesus did not disown sinners and theifs, but instead came to die for them so that they would be pardonned for their sins. The modern views of various men and churches must not be permitted to over-ride this! If you allow yourself to feel 'unincluded' because of people who are NOT following Jesus' teaching to the letter, than your worship is of men, not God. I don't care what the APA thinks of pedophiles, nor do I care what the Pope thinks or the American Family Counsil. My belief is in God and Jesus, and my trust comes from about, not from around me.

1 Corinthians 4:3

I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself.

Matthew 5:10

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Just do the right thing Mark, and trust God to take care of the rest. I can tell you from personal works :)

You are not alone.


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