Christian Boylove Forum

That's strange

Submitted by Mark on January 04 19100 at 20:19:08
In reply to Very helpful thankyou Submitted by Carol on January 04 19100 at 12:02:26

I'm trying as part of this study to differieniate (and understand) between a pedophile who does not act upon their attractions, and a pedophile who does and initiates adult/child relationships.

This seems like a curious thing to study, but then I don't know anything about the study of handwriting. Do you think there's a difference in handwriting between the two? Are there differences in handwriting between straight men who who have relationships with women and those who don't? I also wonder what you mean by acting upon attractions. Do you mean only sexually? When you say "initiates adult/child relationships", are you talking about any relationships at all, or only sexual ones? There are a huge variety of kinds of BL relationships, many of which are not sexual.


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