Christian Boylove Forum

Re: ...Not of this world

Submitted by Chris on January 20 2000 at 08:38:15
In reply to Grief Submitted by Cherub30 on January 20 2000 at 02:33:18

Hi Cherub,

I am so sorry to hear about your poor nieghbor. It is hard enough to have someone very close die, but durring the Christmas holidays...that must be especially difficult. She is blessed to have you as a nieghbor, Cherub...very much so. Keep your eye on her for a while, ok, because when a man looses a wife, or a woman a husband, especially when they have been together for that long, it can be very, very hard on them. Sometimes the surviving spouse dosen't survive for very long, probably because the loss is just too great for them to bear. I will be keeping her in my prayers as well, brother.

You know, I have a favorite wy of studying the Bible when someone gives me a passage to read...(thank you, by the way, for again helping me to open my Bible...). I like to look up the passage (in this case, John 14: 6) and then read everything "around" it as well. I love that passage very much myself, and I have re-discovered another one that is full of hope.

"I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16: 33

Jesus overcame the sin and corruption of this world, and because we are in Him, and He is in the Father, WE have overcome the world. The world hates us because it hated Jesus, and so we are all living in a hostile world. But we all have victory, Praise God! Our victory was won for us, and given to us through our faith, by none other than God's Son, Jesus. It is our love for one another, and our love for those who do not (yet) belong to God, that sets us apart from this world!

Keep trusting in the Lord, dear brother, keep your faith strong! Things might just get rough for God's children now, but we have each other (!) and we have the Lord, who lives within us and is part of us. We have hope big time! God bless you too, Cherub.


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