Christian Boylove Forum

reconciling boylove

Submitted by F.O.D. on January 24 2000 at 14:51:06
In reply to Re: You're at the right place Submitted by Tim on January 23 2000 at 22:19:50

Hello Tim, and welcome.

I suspect maybe part of the reason why we have trouble reconciling love for boys and love for God is because we've been a wrong and subversive model for how relations between adults and minors should be. People think children are a nuisance, to be sent off to the "children's room" so they don't bother the Adults doing their Serious Adult Things. So when they see you enjoying a child's company, they think "there must be something wrong with you, because you are spending time with a child (horrors!)". They do not understand children themselves, and therefore do not understand people who do relate well to children, and out of fear and ignorance condemn them. So out of driven we berate ourselves for wanting to be friends with boys, and our interest towards them gets driven underground, browsing for meaningless relationships with pictures.

Don't condemn yourself the same way! The very heart of Christianity is to build strong loving relationships, and that includes with children as much as with adults. Allow yourself to recognise the worth and value of a child, and you won't have to feel shame loving that child.

I believe it's in expanding and developing this relationship side of things, allowing yourself to be a boy's friend, that you can find the path to expressing your love for a boy in a constructive way, and thereby avoid sliding down the evil path.

Good luck and God bless!


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