Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Even the Saints made mistakes..

Submitted by Chris on January 24 2000 at 20:22:47
In reply to success only comes from... Submitted by Compassion on January 24 2000 at 19:30:51

Hi Compassion,

I was going to kid you about calling me Mark, but I won't. I think I have done a lot worse, anyway, besides, Mark is a very good friend of mine for whom I have a lot of respect and love, so I am actually flattered. Ha ha ha...enough of that....ha ha!

Anyways, I just wanted to comment on what you just wrote. You know that even Moses (a little something about me....I just LOVE the great men of the Old Testiment. They really help to inspire me) made mistakes in his life. Like when he asked God to give them water and He told him to strike a mountain-side with his staf...but He told him to strike it only once. So when Moses did this, and the water didn't come right away, he got angry and struck it again. I'm certain that this did NOT please God in the least, but God gave them thier water anyways, and never left Moses, either. He stayed with His child because of His enormous love.

Anyways, God bless, Compassion! (Who is one of your fav. Old Testiment Saints? I have a hard time picking any one favorate, myself.)


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