Christian Boylove Forum


Submitted by Mark on January 24 2000 at 21:36:46
In reply to Re: You're at the right place Submitted by Tim on January 23 2000 at 22:19:50

Thanks so much for your honesty! It *is* great to be able to be open and honest here, isn't it?

Probably the best way to get the full picture of how I reconcile my sexual orientation with my faith is to read my story at In a nutshell, I came to realize that God creates people with all kinds of variations (physical, congnitive, emotional) including sexual orientation. (Does the pot ask the potter why he made him that way?) We did not choose our orientation and have no control over it, so it cannot be sin. How we react to it--what we do have control over--is what can be right or wrong. I did not choose to be a BLer and have these sexual feelings, but I do choose to be a Christian.

Now what to do about our feelings? As I posted lower down the board, interacting with boys (of course non-sexually) is tremendously rewarding and decreases my desire for pics and dwelling on sexual thoughts. But they don't completely disappear. I don't have all the answers. Jesus tells us lust is just as sinful as committing adultry. So the question becomes, what is lust? Are all sexual feelings except those for one's spouse lustful? If so, then single people would have to become asexual, which is impossible. I define lust as thinking of a boy as only a sex object, not as a person. But I don't have it all worked out. Of course, as Heather said, this is a problem for all people, not just BLers.

I'll continue to pray for you!


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