Christian Boylove Forum

I see no value in virginity

Submitted by Sheesh! on February 18 2000 at 13:31:51
In reply to In defense of the Catholics . . . Submitted by Heather on February 18 2000 at 05:10:28


Heather, I admit I am not a Biblical scholar. And I am on record as thinking virginity is over-rated, so I hope you are not surprised that I don't see any pluses to Mary's so called virginity. In fact I see much harm because of that point.

Our society puts so much attention on a useless peice of skin simply because Mary alledgely owned that piece at the time of Jesus's conception. Frankly I think the story was necessary to keep Mary from being stoned to death. It was a device to prove that Joseph was not the father. I don't think it was intended to be the factor for all eternity in deciding if a woman was clean and worthy of God or man.

Sadly, women have been shunned, beatened, stonned, burned or more just because a missing piece of skin made them "unpure" (unworthy) on their Wedding Day. I don't see how the sexual status of a woman degrades her. I ask Heather, now that you are married and assumed a non-virgin, are you a lesser person?

I think Mary's virginity works for the birth of Jesus but in this day a woman'sexual status (or a males) is of no relevance.


PS: Heather were you recently married or am I confusing you with Satin Lady?

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