Christian BoyLove Forum #61073

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Masturbation in God's presence

Posted by Rainboy on 2009-12-20 02:46:25, Sunday
In reply to Re: Good luck with that... posted by Robert-I on 2009-12-20 00:59:02, Sunday

This actually seems to confirm my long-held theory that sexuality is innately connected with spirituality.

I could go along with that.

what makes you aroused in the first place? (or maybe we can be frank enough to say 'get an erection'?)

This may seem weird, but I'll try to explain.

The answer: God's presence -- specifically, the Holy Spirit.

I come from a somewhat charasmatic church (though in many ways it is fairly "middle of the road"). But we do believe that God will often "draw near" when we pray, and we can experience his presence resting on us. It feels like peace, love, holiness...

My "journey" regarding masturbation took a significant turn a number of years back. I was at a point of believing it was a sin, and I was doing my best to stay free from it. However, I was also seeking to experience God's presence -- something I had not ever experienced before. Well, one night at church I got a group of friends to pray for me, which they did. At the time I didn't experience anything, but when I got home, I sat down on the couch. Immediately, I felt a love and peace wash over me that I had never experienced before. It was as if I was being pressed down into the couch. It was wonderful!

That night, as I was laying in bed (with very little on but sleeping shorts), my thoughts turned to God, and again, His presence washed over me. I had an instant erection. I couldn't help it. [If God is Love, what other reaction are we likely to have when He is close?!]

This happened for a few nights in a row. The moment I got into bed and started to relax, God's presence was there, and I got turned on. I even found myself praying that He would NOT be close to me while I was in such a "vulnerable" position, because it just got me all turned on, and then it was almost impossible to get to sleep. But, the moment I prayed that, it was as if His presence was intensified.

Though it went against my beliefs at the time, I eventually had to conclude that God really didn't mind if I masturbated -- so I went ahead without guilt.

It was a bit of a difficult conclusion to reach, though, because it required stepping out of the comfort zone of having a clear rule I could follow. I sometimes even told God that it would be EASIER for Him to just tell me that masturbation was NOT acceptable, because I didn't like having to make decisions that required "following the Spirit". For example, is it OK to masturbate whenever I want, or only when God is there so strongly that I find it almost unavoidable? Is it OK to masturbate if I am turned on by looking at guys (or only by His presence)? And so on. The whole issue becomes a lot more complicated ... and less "legalistic". [Legalism is "easy", because we humans like to have a nice set of rules to follow, but in my experience it is "death". I have been legalistic, and I would never go back!!!] Honestly, I don't have all the answers, but I just try to follow as best as I can.

These days, when I decide to masturbate, I will often lay on my bed and simply ask Him to be close to me and let me experience His love. Though the experience is certainly different from that time many years back, I usually do experience His presence "draw closer" to me, and it is as if the air becomes more "alive" with His Love. In that situation, while resting in the Love of God, getting turned on is not too much of an issue.

[I know how weird this sounds. That's why I'm signing this message "Rainboy", and not using my real name :-)]

Second question: are humans (e.g., boys) ever involved in erotic fantasies in your dreams?

No, not that I am aware of. I hardly ever remember any dreams (if I have any at all). And when I do remember dreams, they are almost never overtly sexual. [I'm sure I had some sexual dreams as a teen, but not any more.]

Hope this makes some sense.


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