Christian BoyLove Forum #60240
Hey dude,
I would like to encourage you to adjust your focus slightly. As boylovers I beleive we have a very strong desire to get affirmation from the boys we love. This could be simple affection, respect... or it could be romantic/sexual. We are constantly struggling with agendas that are very different from our yf's. Mostly what our yf's get out of us... is an adult role model and someone to affirm and delight in their existance. The kind of affirmations we seek as boylovers pretty much don't fit that agenda. But we get bucket loads of respect, admiration and even love which is enough reward. I think the revelation of our Boylove agendas with a boy who is not equally inclined is ALWAYS a mistake. I think if we focus our giving of affection on THEIR agenda then we will do well. In this instance...rather than focus on what you have gotten out of the relationship as a boylover... focus on what he's been to you as a mentoree, and someone you have delighted in and sought to affirm. Tell him how proud you are of him... how you've enjoyed being part of his life... how you value him for his own can certainly throw an "I love you very much" in there... and keep expressions of his impact on your boylover affections well clear of it. Finally the very last thing you want is for him to get the misimpression that all of your attenion towards him was somehow sexually focused... ie: because you were "in love" with him or something. In todays climate of boylover hate and misunderstanding... that may seriously sour things that have been good between you. If he is struggling with homosexual feelings and doesn't want to admit to them... then if you come close to admiting them he may feel very vulnerable and try and run. Play it safe for now... he's still too young to handle things maturely. Perhaps in years to come you may be close enough and he may be mature enough that you can express your true heart towards him... for now... focus on what is best for him (rather than on fulfilling that impossible desire in yourself). Blessings Cat. ![]() |