Christian BoyLove Forum #60528
Some of us have had some very intense relationships with our YFs. My main YF was and still is very much like a son to me, so it's got me wondering... if my wife and I ever have a boy, will my own son make me feel the same way? I figure the main difference would be that at times I felt like I was "in love" with my YF. I don't think I could have (or would allow myself to have) those same type of "love" feelings toward my son; though, I still believe that the love I would feel for my own son could be greater than any love I had/have toward my YF. I'm looking forward to finding out.
Whether or not you're married to a woman or ever would marry and/or have your very own children... Do you think it's possible for you, personally, to have more love toward your own son than you ever had for a YF? Maybe some of you have already experienced this?? What do you think it is that would cause you to have (or keep you from having) a greater love for your own son? Why would his being your son make that difference? Thanks in advance for your thoughts. |