Christian BoyLove Forum #60870
Great phrase - love it...
If we start mentoring a boy, we are playing with fire - but fire is a helpful substance in the right place. Yes there are dangers - but if we stick to certain rules about how to relate to him, there's no reason why things have to go wrong. But we need to be absolutely honest with ourselves about whether there IS a sexual attraction, and certainly not assume that because there isn't now, there won't be in the future. And if it does happen, don't panic - but make sure that we stick to the rules we've laid down for ourselves; ideally you'll have made some friends here to the point where you'll feel able to share the challenge of that if it happens. But whatever you do, don't try to pretend that there isn't a sexual attraction when there is, because that way is stoking the fire for it to burst out later. Does that make sense? |