Christian BoyLove Forum #61746
this really made me think.
1. Adults who want to sex kids do it because it makes them feel powerful. I personally find that it is the other way round but not in the way that you suggest. I know I feel immensely UNpowerful and very easily dominated. I think my attraction to boys is partly due to the fact that I know that they will not be dominating me in the way I feel adults might. (My mother is extremely dominating) I feel far less vulnerable with boys and much more able to share who I really am fully and honestly. 2. People who look at porn and/or sexually fantasise gradually desensitise themselves sexually so that they need harder and harder images/fantasies to satisfy their need for a sexual fix. I do agree that this has never been the case for me either, but I think that there is truth in the notion that pornography satisfies less and less because what a person really needs is another person. It is the person that is sought and not the bodyshape or the physical beauty. It may therefore be true that some people, in the quest for 'satisfaction' might be led to seek it in more and more extreme porn. It doesnt necessarily follow however. on number 3 I pretty much agree with you, but I would also say that because we are ultimately called to be 'perfect as our heavenly father is perfect', our sexuality will always be a stumbling block, but a necessary one. It is an essential part of our way to God that we know of what we are made and it is just as essential for us to know that this apparent stumbling-block is actually our pathway. It is a painful contradiction, but still essential. It is far less essential for us to feel good about ourselves all of the time: the mirky truth is always going to be challenging but has to be faced if we are to find God. There's no getting round the fact that the Gospel (which means Good News)involves quite a lot of very tough news indeed along the way. |