Christian BoyLove Forum #62259
Whislt this comment is mostly positive there is still a troubling bit:
"Punishment after the event is not enough. Children will have been hurt. Yet we can't castrate or criminalise people who admit that there is within themselves a tendency they never wanted to be born with. Is it possible to affirm the potential for good that is in them, while holding them accountable for ensuring that they are the only ones who will ever deal with the demons inside? " Who says that our BL is a "tendency they never wanted to be born with"... I suspect that many of us are quite happy being BLs. My sexuality is way more than a "tendency" towards some kind of corrupiton. It's a hunger to love boys and there's as much holy goodness in it as potential for sinfulness. Frankly I'm GLAD I'm a BL and though the denial of my sexual feelings in the practice of a real man/boy relationship is a difficult thing, it's not enough to make me want to give up all the rest of it. Secondly.... what demons? I mean honestly! Do straight guys use this kind of language to describe their sexual temptations? I don't think so and frankly (again) it pisses me off. Hold EVERYONE accountable to keep away from fornication and adultery... not just the Bls of this world. But isn't it good to know that someone as deomon possessed as I (and I know he didn't mean literal possession) has at least some "potenial for good"... that naturally-good, godly straighties can "affirm" from their self-righteous perches. SHEESH! I don't want to have to "swear" that I'll never fulfill my "potential" as a sex offender! The whole thing smacks of the kind of predjuice that sees all people of a certain race/type as somehow less than the average human. I'm the same man as any other man. Thanks for the support John L. Bell.... I do appreciate it.... but how about beginning with an affirmation of our humanity. Blessings Cat. ![]() |