Christian BoyLove Forum #62817
See here Getting to know people via email contact is a great way to deepen the fellowship you can experience on this board - though the same cautions apply about telling people who you are. On the other hand, contact in real life does happen when people have known people for a significant period, and the admins can give you a guide as to who has been around for a long time or indeed who has been safely met in real life if you get to the point of wanting to meet someone but aren't quite sure. But certainly a newbie suggesting a meeting early (sooner than 9 months) is likely to be treated with suspicion; there are trolls who would love to meet us in order to expose us. Having said all that negative stuff: I'm greatly encouraged to hear that CBLF seems to have been an answer to prayer for you. We do seem to get a regular stream of people coming here deeply miserable and by sharing with us get a new lease of life. As our secular progenitor site ( expresses it 'You are not alone'. For Christians we know in theory that that is absolutely true - but in practice we can lose sight of it when we are quite so isolated within our churches because of the temptations that we are struggling with. Eldad AT |