Christian BoyLove Forum #63109
i'm extremely curious about AS right now and have been stalking WrongPlanet to learn everything i can about it, but from the people affected by it instead of some doctorly article. i also wanna make sure i'm not overreacting in self-diagnosis cause i got overwhelmingly positive results from every online test i've taken and because almost everything describing AS describes an aspect of me.
it's also taken away most of the incredible guilt i've felt for so many years for being 'self-centered/antisocial/whats-wrong-with-me-why-do-i-always-want-to-be-alone?/there's something wrong with my brain/why can't i adapt?/etc. but yeah, i'm taking care not to let it override things. i'm still the same person i was yesterday and i'm gonna try to not let it excuse bad behaviour (though it's very tempting!). i also wanna make sure cause i really want to tell my parents so they'll (well, my mom) maybe get a better explanation of why i'm such a person on the moon for them. maybe she'll stop giving me a hard time (did i say A HARD TIME!!!!) yikes |