Christian BoyLove Forum #63540
I wasn't aware of that specific manifestation of it, but it is a fairly common practice, specially in Latin America (I realize that example comes from Europe). A lot of catholic iconography of Jesus as a child is available. Typically, he is referred to as "the divine child" or "the holy child". As with all the other saints and aspects of the Virgin Mary, plenty of statues, candles, and other idols are available for you to purchase; some even come with prayers for you to recite to the holy child.
This kind of idol worship is fairly rampant in Catholicism, specially as it is practiced in Latin American countries. Most of the time, the worship centers around a particular saint or a particular manifestation of the Virgin Mary. But other times it focuses on an aspect of Jesus, such as the "sacred heart", or on a specific manifestation of Jesus. In my opinion, it's all a big distraction; a ploy to dupe Christians into following the path of idol worship and fixating on one detail rather than growing in their understanding and love of God as a whole and the entirety of scripture. But if that's your cup of tea, here's some idols you can buy: Google search for "Divino NiƱo" and you will find plenty of information and merchandise. I think it's an especially dangerous path for us as BLs to follow. Although it might be convenient for us to use such iconography as a way for us to legitimize the worship of a boy, I think that when you do that, you are in danger of missing out on the big picture. Jesus' work had barely begun when he was a boy; it's the last 3 years of his life where the things he began as a boy finally came to fruition. Just like Catholics tend to miss out by focusing so much on his death and so little on his life and resurrection, focusing on his life as a boy can limit us even more. |