Christian BoyLove Forum #63726
Being fond of youngsters can indeed be natural and from God. Desiring to have sex with youngsters is quite unnatural and NOT from God, or so I believe. While having sex under God's plan can have many benefits (even beyond procreation which is the ultimate reason for it), sex with kids has no benefit that I can see. You can have just as good a relationship with a child without sex that you can with sex, and usually a better one, since sexual relations brings all kinds of problems into the mix. I can't believe God ever intended for us to have sex with kids. It just serves no useful purpose and can cause all kinds of harm. Thinking that sex with kids would be ok if it weren't for those damned prejudices against it by society is just a convenient way of excusing our desires. I don't condemn myself for my desires since I have no control over what I feel. But I don't excuse them either.
Dakota |