Christian BoyLove Forum #64320
My ideas about this question were posted way back when in cblf, and I later updated the article and allowed it to be reposted in CJAT. I have put in the current link below. In a nutshell, a lot of sexuality can be formed by some kinds of early childhood traumas that combine sexual sensations with a sensation of being out of control. Sexual assault can be one of these traumas. Pedophilia, however, can arise with or without this sort of impetus, probably most frequently without it. However, those who have been both traumatized and become pedophilic by orientation may be more likely than others to commit a sexual assault, because the mental barrier to that has already been broken - "it happened to me." Nothing like that ever happened to me and I wouldn't dream of involving myself in the adult role in such a sexual assault scenario. • ( http link ) Why are some of us boylovers? [Anonymouse] |