Christian BoyLove Forum #64424
The only solid information we (I) have it that he was depressed and withdrawn but the reason is undisclosed. I am not 100% on the functionality of his family but parental abuse (of the non sexual nature) typically is not a major cause of suicide in any case. (however it does happen) but usually it's either bullying, sexual confusion or guilt. And these are just the major causes - and not even all of them - and of course they don't apply to everyone or every case. I just - deep down I hope to God it wasn't because he was gay and being picked on, or he felt dirty about the way he felt. I know it may be unlikely, but maybe not. Maybe it's more frequent then I think. But I just hope it wasn't something like that - or sexual abuse. And if it is I hope I never know. It just wears away at me to know someone close (proximity not emotionally) killed himself for an unknown cause. I'm still sticking to the bullying though, because it makes the most sense, not because I have any evidence. I just hope it wasn't because of his sexuality, because like most of us, that hits home to me.