Christian BoyLove Forum #65543
Given that we are approaching the holiday season when some of us will be even more isolated than usual, I thought I would share a few novels and films with a BL motif; not sexualised but examples of very close man boy relationships.
Orson Scott Card 'Songmaster'; a major theme is the relationship of a boy and his AF. C S Lewis 'The Horse and His Boy' - OK - so the AF is a horse, but it doesn't undermine the strength of the wonderful relationship portrayed 'The Mission' - the 1986 Robert De Niro film. OK, so the BL motif is a minor subplot - but it was interesting to spot it when I watched it again. Finally - for those of us who thought the Haley Joel Osment was too cute in 'Sixth Sense' - which is worth watching of course - 'Secondhand Lions' is not to be missed; a somewhat older Osment does a wonderful job winding up Robert Duvall and Michael Caine. So - what else do people recommend? |