Christian BoyLove Forum #65905

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Planned new wording for the introduction

Posted by Eldad on 2013-08-04 10:23:01, Sunday

As part of the forthcoming upgrade - which actually won't make much difference to most users - the following text at the top is going to be added, replacing the present. The major purpose is to establish a clear commitment for this board to be opposed to any possibility of sexual expression in intergenerational relationships.

"Jesus seeks to show all people everywhere his love. People who are sexually attracted towards boys are commonly shunned and even expelled from churches. This board is a place of refuge for Christian boylovers. As we share together, we learn how to live our lives to reflect His love. The first post is hard, because we often can't be honest with our struggles for fear of rejection and persecution. You aren't alone. Others on this board have been where you are today and have had similar experiences. You too can be forgiven and loved, so please join in the conversation.

This board exists primarily for Christians who are sexually attracted towards boys. We believe that such a sexual relationship is sinful. However, like any sin, it's not beyond forgiveness if we seek God's grace. Christians who aren't attracted to minors are welcome to take part, as long as they are supportive in our struggles."

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