Christian BoyLove Forum #66185
First of all there is nothing biblically wrong with homosexuality. Lev 18:22 is talking about bisexuals if you apply the rules of english grammar. That said we move on to boy love. This is dependent on the age of accountability- that point where one can understand the gospel of christ and is therefore accountable for sin. This comes earlier than you think- a ten year-old took altar call at my church last week and repented. Now it strikes me that if that ten year-old can make a decision to go to heaven or hell, the most important decision in the world- then im perfectly sure that he is capable and competent to consent to sex- that is unless you call GOD a liar. I didn't think you would. However not all things are benificial even if permissable. The bible teaches that sex IS marriage and that divorce IS sin, and therefore sex with a child not intended as part of a relationship that lasts till death do the two of you part IS CERTAINLY sin, and thus prebube/Adult relationships probably arent wise though not sin