Christian BoyLove Forum #66486

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What do you wish to change in the Church?

Posted by Kent on 2014-12-16 22:44:54, Tuesday

No, you can not say adults openly having sexual relationships with children... (sarcasm, jk)

For me, I would like for the sermons of gays going to hell only to end. So you be a sinful and unbelieving heterosexual and still go have to heaven?! I know pastors arent directly saying it but they are. You cant just die and think you're going to heaven cause you're straight! I'm not gay myself but it bothers me. I'm not trying to silence the churches for simply speaking what God intended them say, I wish they weren't trying to just point out ONE specific type of people.
. What do you users think God wants you do in life? I'm just starting to get the impression that according to some of y'all just protect children and make "yfs". To a outsider it just sounds like pedophiles creating legal relationships within in the church or outside without the popo slipping chains. I thought y'all would be discussing verses and giving bibles lessons but it seems half "yf" and "God". Sorry if I sound offensive . I feel like a least someone should adress this point.

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