Christian BoyLove Forum #66641
No offense but some of things y'all say are wack and makes no sense. I been here for one day already and someone is already someone lustful desires and masturbation is "approved". Crack open them bibles because clearly some of y'all don't know what you're saying. And what is all this chat chit about being born "homosexual pedophile"? If god said marriage is between a man and a woman then can he create a homosexual and even label it a abomination? I'm sure that some of y'all are good people but y'all need to wake up!
Ya don't accept sin, ye fight against it. Believe or not but ye can repent from homosexuality, with the help of the almighty of course. I'm not trying to put y'all done but come on! I saw a video once from this Christian women who give her dreams since ya know receiving dreams is a gift from th lord and she was talkin about how gays are possessed. Her video got so many down likes! I seen so many videos about saved Christians becoming straight. How the heck can y'all believe jesus risen in 3 days but can't be healed from homosexuality? It is like saying hey, my god can do anything but make me straight. I think y'all are pedos because you missed your childhood. Ya loved it so much that when it was time to move on you couldn't let go. The kiddies ya like are your childhood. |