Christian BoyLove Forum #66644
For me having paedophilic or homosexual orientation constitutes a form of disability, whilst having the temptation towards such behaviour is just another temptation. We are all tempted; it's how we react that is a measure of our faithfulness to God. For some their strongest temptation is towards money or power. For many men it's in the area of sexual temptation that they most struggle. That the object of our desire is especially problematic in the eyes of the world - and the church - makes our lives more difficult. And of course the consequences if we do abuse a boy are more obviously serious.
The suggestion that there is a 'quick fix' to resolve same sex attraction has been circulating in the Evangelical world for many decades, but the worked examples, other than in a very few cases, are simply not there. On the whole therefore I treat it as a disability - to be lived with, worked around, and used to engage better with God; knowing that your temptation is socially unacceptable makes challenging oneself about it easier than if all around you are encouraging you to indulge yourself. If you will accept the challenge of healing a line of 10 blind or deaf people THEN I will take your belief about homosexuality being easily healed seriously... |