Christian Boylove Forum

Thank you:)

Submitted by Questioner on 2002-12-14 06:12:34, Saturday
In reply to Re: Oh Man.... submitted by Chris on 2002-12-13 14:00:42, Friday

That in itself didn't hurt as much as when my parents left me to live with a relitive of ours. I didn't understand why at that time but I think it's obvious today.

The thing I still don't understand and would like to know is why?

But this isn't about me as much as about how my experience can be used to help others. Of course you survive such a thing but a point is that it is unnecessary to enter such a situation from the beginning. As boy lovers we must be acutely aware that all our actions have an impact and affect the boys we are in touch with.

It is imperative we don't say it feels good now and ignore the fact our actions have consequences for decades into the future.

I have learnt at a cost but I hope others won't need that cost learn.

It isn't Love that torments people...


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