Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Ex-gays and recovering offenders

Submitted by Bonzo on January 31 1999 at 16:39:54
In reply to Ex-gays and recovering offenders Submitted by Heather on January 31 1999 at 14:07:24

Hi Heather --

I haven't paid much attention to the wars-of-words being waged by either the "gays vs ex-gays" or the "recovering-offenders vs BLs". As the columnist Russell Baker remarked recently, when you're over 50 you tend to react with greater equanimity when someone yells "There's something terrible going on!".

Re "recovering-offenders": my hunch is that therapy aimed at extinguishing the behavior is much more likely to be successful than that aimed at extinguishing the attraction. But this is something I know almost nothing about.

Re "ex-gays": I see 2 difficulties. First, there's very little real evidence (other than short-term self-reports) that "ex-gays" truly exist in any significant numbers. Long-term followups are hard to do, so they aren't done. Second, the confounding presence of financial self-interest makes it hard to take seriously the claims of "change" therapists.

Re Sonia: her letter radiates a sincerity that is refreshing amidst all the yelling and arm-waving. However sincere her motives, though, I remain skeptical about her chances for success.

From a Christian perspective, I continue to believe that when Jesus spoke of "eunuchs who make themselves eunuchs" he had in mind those who aren't inclined to heterosexual activity, rather than (following St. Augustine) those who struggle thoughout their lives to resist their burning hetero desires. Jesus pointed out that only the self-selected "eunuchs" themselves would understand what he was talking about, but he indicated that they are in accord with the kingdom of heaven.

-- Bonzo

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