Christian Boylove Forum

We're all getting there bit by bit

Submitted by F.O.D. on February 01 1999 at 16:48:06
In reply to What's with this? (long, but heartfelt...) Submitted by Jeremy on February 01 1999 at 12:14:12

I think they're exciting if difficult questions you're putting before God. If they are causing you to find a firmer footing on the Rock, then they can't be too bad!

In my opinion your thoughts are going the right way:
could I possibly be able to focus on the love half of boylove and create an existence that operated constructively in love?
Life in Christ could hardly be expressed better by anyone, could it?!

Incidentally, I had a YF who was a pastor's kid. He had a great family, they even accepted me as own of their own! But his dad was really happy for us to be friends - I think even in healthy families a good parent recognises the benefit of a variety of more mature people having good input into the lives of their kids. Call it "babysitting", taking the load off the parents for a while, if you like :)

Are our feelings the result of the Fall? I don't know. If the anti-homosexuality understanding of God's will is correct, then it follows logically that our "natural" feelings have their origin in the Fall. But I guess for me I find myself taking a more pragmatic approach, saying "OK these feelings are there, but while I'm waiting for them to go away, what kind of helpful things am I going to make of them to bring God more glory and show real love to someone."

I agree with what Kyle said: don't be "so careful that you deprive boys who might need friendship and understanding of your company."

Good luck! God bless!


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