Christian Boylove Forum

Naturally, love

Submitted by F.O.D. on February 10 1999 at 16:52:29
In reply to Re: You mean it's not as bad as I fear? Submitted by Ray on February 10 1999 at 06:00:04

Don't you hate it when you accidentally make a multiple post? Never mind. It happens.

Ray, I wasn't precisely certain what was said that might have angered you. Do you mean the notion that a homosexual can have a rich, rewarding celibate life angers you because it belittles the freedom which the cross gives us? I'd be interested to know exactly what it was that ired you.

About the Romans verse, I've a question that came up when Ken talked about the verse, and it still remains unanswered. If the kind of "unnatural relations" that Paul is talking about is basically just acting in lust and self-gratification, then why is it that Paul specifically singles out same-sex lust, without mentioning the women who exchange natural relations for unnatural ones with other men. ie if he is not concerned about homosexual non-lustful love, then why in his description does he not mention heterosexual lust, instead keeping his description to homosexual relations? This verse is probably the strongest in my view that can be used against homosexual relations, and it would seem strange to me for Paul to express himself in this way if the "shameful lusts" were meant to include heterosexual lust also.

That being said, I want you to know how much I respect your arguments showing that God is not concerned particular much over gender. It makes a lot of sense the way you put, and biblically sound (except for this one question above).

I mention that because I've noticed that a lot of the pro-gay theology that you see around is, to be frank, uninspiring. For instance some time back Heather gave a link to a debate between a lesbian pastor and a conservative theologian. The conservative theologian kept trying to come back to the biblical question of the significance of God creating a woman for the man, but the lesbian pastor avoided his question completely. That kind of empty pro-gay argumentation does not lend well to it's being taken seriously by enquirers like myself. So I am grateful that you are willing and able to tackle the real biblical questions head on.

You'll probably want to put off my Romans question though, knowing you ;)
I hope you are well. Till next time!


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