Christian Boylove Forum

following God

Submitted by d on February 27 1999 at 16:59:48
In reply to Hard gifts to return Submitted by Ben on February 27 1999 at 11:34:20

> I might follow God because of the gift, rather than because
> of my beliefs.

While I have no doubt that God is using this family to draw you to him, your relationship with God must eventually be yours and God's, not yours, God's, and this family's.

Ask yourself:
If the family were transferred out of town, but the father still came back every weekend just to study with you, would you still be interested in studying?

If he was not able to come back, would you still study the Bible (either by yourself or with the help of other adults [no boys around])?

At some point in the next year or two (if it hasn't happened already) I think you will be able to honestly say "yes" to both questions.

By the way, I still get exited when I think about your story so far.

-d (david_tx on IRC)

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