Christian Boylove Forum

obsessive-sexual-codependent factor in pedophilia

Submitted by Mark on March 14 1999 at 22:57:54
In reply to Re: If I may be so bold.. Submitted by John Guard on March 14 1999 at 19:35:41

Certainly there are some straight people, some gay people, and some pedophiles who are obsessed or addicted. Also, when love seems especially difficult to find, the thought of it can become obsessive. (One who is starving is probably obsessed with the idea of getting food.) But I am really skeptical of the idea that pedophiles are inherently more obsessive than straight people. It's a different orientation, but why must it necessarily be baser? It's likely that pedophilia seems obsessive to people simply because it is so outlandish to them. I would say straight men are very obsessed with women--imagine changing one's entire life due to love for a woman, constantly spending time with her, buying her things, and getting upset and lonely when one is away from her! That's considered normal, but when a BLer feels the same way about a child or adolescent then it's "obsessive."

"There is always a root factor behind this obsession. For some, it may be past abuses or experiences. For others it is a conditioning. In my case, it is deep insecurities inside of me."

I think the same kinds of things were said about homosexuality a few years ago.


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