Christian Boylove Forum

Careful everybody, our Christianity is showing

Submitted by Chris on March 28 1999 at 07:59:56

Hi Everybody,
Joyful greetings in Jesus' Name,

Andy sent me an e-mail and (among other things) asked if I had a comment on his response to the Bible study thread that I believe Bach started. After reading the entire thread I must confess that I really don't think that there is much that I can add that hasn't already been said. However, I did take the opportunity to read through quite a few of the posts in here and I am becoming more and more amazed by a great ongoing trend I see occuring.

Is it my imagination or are we all growing and getting stronger in the Lord?

Folks, I don't think it is my imagination.

I have attended a few churches so far in my life and I'll tell you what, I have yet to walk into a church that is as rich in Christian thinking and living among it's members as this forum is. And yet, we are a bunch of boylovers (most of us are, anyways). The lowest rung on the social ladder, the lepers of society, scum and ......(you get the picture). What's going on here? According to a great majority of church going folk (I believe), we should not even be saved (and of course we know that this is wrong) let alone grow in the Lord.

I am coming to believe that we are living proof of the power of God's love and grace. Jesus did many things that He was not supposed to do when He walked this earth according to the devout religious men of that time. He associated with tax collectors and prostitutes and even broke some of the customs of the faith He was born into and brought up in (like the time He and is deciples were hungry on the Sabbath and decided to "harvest" some grain from a field and eat it or healing someone on the Sabbath). He even walked among lepers (and healed them), people who were considered so unclean that they were permanently removed from thier community.

And here we are, modern versions of the lepers of that time......And Jesus is walking umong us. God's love and grace is very apparent here with us.

This is just an observation but it is a powerful one. I hope and pray that one day our light can shine for the world to see but the world (and other "normal" Christians) will not look at us with anything other than discust and distrust. However, may God's will be done.

What do all of you think about this?

Love, your brother in Christ,

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