Christian Boylove Forum

A brief question...

Submitted by Tygyr on April 11 1999 at 19:40:46

Hi guys (and Heathers and octopi...)

I've got a question which I'm interested to hear people's viewpoints on:

A lot of you pay much attention to the Bible. You use it as a reference on how to think, what to feel, how to act, what to believe. It seems to be a yardstick as to what's good and bad, described in incredibly specific detail. Every facet of your life appears, essentially, to be directed by this one book.

Now, putting aside all issues on how accurate the Bible is after ten translations, a slew of editorials and several thousand years, there's an interesting question here. Does God really want a bunch of clones?

I mean, if you think about it, God wants everyone to believe and think approximately the same stuff. It's like Big Brother from Orwell's "1984" on a much broader scale. Does God want everyone to be homogenous in beliefs and thoughts?

I keep an open mind on the subject of deities, but one thing is for sure - if God exists, I'd rather lead my own life and be judged for it than spend a lifetime basically pandering to mould myself into someone else's image. Quite frankly, if God believes that everyone should be heterosexual then I'd rather not be in his Heaven anyway. If God believes in smiting heathens then I'd rather not share my afterlife with the superhuman equivalent of Pol Pot.

What I prefer to do is live my life the way I think it should be, with no more guidelines than "try to do no harm". I think that if my God is worth serving, then he should accept that. If God finds a problem with that, then he's probably not the sort of deity I'd like to hang around for eternity anyway.

Has this thought occurred to any of you before? How important is the word of God or the Bible to you? How do you justify (if you do) sublimating your own self in favour of someone else's ideal?


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