Christian Boylove Forum

I just came out to my pastor

Submitted by Mark on April 21 1999 at 23:15:11

After months of agonizing over whether I should do it, I finally did. I had told my pastor a while ago that I am homosexual, but only tonight told him I'm a BLer. In fact, I just got home from our 2 1/2 hour meeting. He reacted completely calmly and rationally, actually, as if it were no big deal. He did say he was nervous with the term "boylover," but only "because I'm unfamiliar with it," as he put it. He had no problem understanding that I have just as much control over my sexuality as any straight person, in fact, he assumed it. Knowing I'm a teacher, he did mention that everyone (regardless of orientation) should be careful not to put oneself in a position where one could be accused (even falsely) of improper behavior. I told him about CBF and gave him a copy of Heather's article "Not an Oxymoron."

It was a good meeting, and we hugged before we left the church. Right now I'm not sure how I feel--I guess I'm a little scared since I have given out information over which I no longer have control. I do trust him, but I also gave him permission to tell his wife if he feels he needs to. I also gave him the phone number of the pastor of a good friend of mine who is also out as a BLer.


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