Christian Boylove Forum

Re: for a friend in need...

Submitted by Oliver on April 22 1999 at 01:00:59
In reply to for a friend in need... Submitted by scott on April 22 1999 at 00:35:29

Hi Scott,

For two years I've been a mentor/staff worker for an organization that centers itself around Christain ideals and is a program supported by the local school district--our campers were taken from public schools. I have a very positive relationship with several of the boys. This has been an ongoing thing for the past year. There are times when I'm very much "in love" with some of these boys, but I purposely maintain a relationship with them only within the boundries of this program. This is good in that it forbids me a relationship outside the pervue of the program and it keeps me from falling into too deep a relationship that I might regret, since I know I might not see them too long after they leave the program.

In saying this, I'm just conveying caution. It's a fine line to walk when dealing with public school kids that are in a program sponsored by the school (I'm not sure yours is or not--that's just what I gather from your post). Also, these "too close too fast" relationships can be overwhelming when it's time to say good-bye. You may be on top of the world, so might your friend, but consider both your feelings when the time comes for you to part ways.

OK, enough on the lecture--I'm honored to learn that your group of kids has accepted Christ and that they are truely saved. This is certainly cause for celebration. What a wonderful joy to know that, since they are young, they will have a lifetime to know the joys of knowing Christ. That alone brings tears to my eyes. Best of luck to them and to you in this new and rededicated veture of faith. Blessings to you all. I'll pray for your friend as well.


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