Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Jimf3, Dbl Standards & Bible

Submitted by Ben on July 15 1999 at 20:45:41
In reply to Jimf3, Dbl Standards & Bible Submitted by Ray on July 10 1999 at 09:55:47

Ray -
Your logic is good and your thoughts are reasonable enough. However I don't buy the argument that the rest of the world is relatively "normal" and therefore needs to be convicted of some sins, while BLs, feeling guilty all of their lives need to just get over the guilt of being who they are. You have to remove the BL aspect for a moment, and realize that the sins of all men are pretty grave, and are pretty dominant in their lives. With a 50% divorce rate and the acceptance that men will be lustful and there is nothing that you can do about it, there is more sin in the world than anyone is willing to admit. While a BLs sins might be difficult to deal with because they are embarassing to talk about, they are no more tolerable that any other sin.

That the bible is a human invention which needs to be looked at differently by BLs, contradicts Paul's comment in 2 Timothy 3:16: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness I still believe that we draw our conclusions based on what seems or feels right, rather than on a standard that God has established.

This being said, the original Levitican law against laying with men as one does a woman, cannot simply be discounted because we don't like it. I would be more willing to accept that the law existed before men had found loving ways to be together in monogamy, if there was some justification that God might have for such a lifestyle. What could be accomplished by men laying with other men? It breaks the cycle of children and family, it usually results in disease and early death, and it physically is damaging.
One last comment. BLs who are looking to feel better about themselves by looking for human acknowledgement are really missing the most important discovery that they must make. Every man and every woman was created in God's image, and God loves us, as his children, no matter what or who we are. He also wants to have a relationship with us, and seeing that, giving God THAT opportunity, is the greatest path to happiness that there is.

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