Christian Boylove Forum

Is it always so plain?

Submitted by F.O.D. on July 22 1999 at 10:38:12
In reply to Well, it's pretty plain, actually Submitted by Jimf3 on July 22 1999 at 08:29:09

Hi Jim,

Heather was correct in the intent I had with my post. I had read NW's post as a general expression of the warfare going on against Satan, and I hadn't read it as a particular accusation identifying you personally as the evil spoken of. My apologies if I read his post the wrong way; I didn't see the posts he made at BC, except the ones where he was apologising, and I missed whatever it was he said to Mickey.

In affirming the defeat of Satan, I in no way saw you as the personification of evil - you know what goodness you have, even better than I do - and in thinking I did you make the same mistake that I made in reading NW's post, when I thought he did not. My post was not about you.

That I spoke up at all was really a reaction to the christianophobic bigotry and hate you consistently throw against all of us Christians, without any distinction between those Christians who do honestly strive to love and those who are content to hate.

In my post I referred to the banishing of evil, the restitution of love. These are the same goals you yourself have. I was not identifying you with that evil.

Personally I really do believe one's sexuality is entirely beside the point with regards to one's relationship with God, a point I am willing to discuss further. What I do believe is that each person decides whether he will know God. Sexuality does not come into the question, there are more important things. In the spiritual world there is no male or female. If a person will not know God, then God will grant him that which he wants. He will live without God. I think that is all "hell" is. Life, without God, just as the individual wants it. Would you rather he tyranically forces everybody to acknowledge him and live with him?

I hope that clarifies what I meant. No, I do not believe you are "evil", fit only to be wiped off the face of the earth. That would be sick. Yes, I do believe there is a distinction between those whose accept God and those who do not, but it is not a distinction between the former being "good" and the latter being "evil".

In love and respect,


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