Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Bible verses on adult-child sex - I need your suggestions

Submitted by Ben on July 25 1999 at 19:15:14
In reply to Bible verses on adult-child sex - I need your suggestions Submitted by Heather on July 23 1999 at 19:44:28

Heather -
A couple of comments to the passages that you mention above:

Numbers 31:5-18

Because of the company that it is keeping, I do not include this passage any possible support for intergenational sex. The command here is to kill men (including boys), to kill women and then to rape those women who are virgins. This is not a passage about love, or about God's tolerance for various activities. It is a passage about barbarism and about war.

Ezekiel 16:1-8

In recent months I have formed some new opinions about sex between men and pubescent girls. While in today's society a young girl is not prepared to enter into marriage emotionally, carrying an enourmous amount of baggage about her societal role I do not see inherent wrong in young women marrying and having sex before they reach the arbitrary age of consent. The problem is that most men in the world are NOT Godly men, and cannot handle the role of being a true husband to a young girl. Most would treat such an opportunity as a sexual conquest, something that God does not call for. I am not attracted to young girls btw, so I am really unbiased in this view. I believe that the bible supports my view that girls need only have reached puberty to be eligeable for sex and marriage.

Matthew 8:5-13

Jesus also ate with prostitutes and theifs, people who clearly were not living Godly lives. If the Centurion were in a pedarestic relationship (which as you say is difficult to confirm), of course God loved him. I do not think that there should be any question whether God loves anyone less or more. God wants a relationship with all of us, no matter who we are and how bad our lives get. However, chosing to enter into that relationship with God that would leave to salvation seems to involve alot more than just being a "person" (and therefore a child of God). The path of salvation involves choices about how we are to live our lives. We ALL have the opportunity to be saved. We ALL are loved by God. Those who accept the message though will be the only ones who are saved.

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