Christian Boylove Forum

Did you know that evil is

Submitted by F.O.D. on July 27 1999 at 17:03:11
In reply to Late reply to Jesus Lover Submitted by Triple Q on July 24 1999 at 19:35:48

"live" backwards. But then again, good is "go Od". Whoever Od is.

Did you really mean to say I have no use for the concept of "good and evil"? I guess you didn't. You're right, I try to do what's "right for me" but I don't consider myself the final arbiter of what is good and what is not. I believe there is "transcendental good", whatever that means (it sounded cool). Meaning there is What Is Good outside of my ability to define it or understand it. In other words I believe in God, and that he is the definition of good. This is how I define what good is: it is that which God wants. That's the definition. The hard part is understanding what exactly he really does want (apart from airy-fairy words like "love each other"). Not everyone who says they know what God wants knows what he wants.

It is in this context that I define "evil". Evil is not some menacing nastiness plotting to throw the earth and the heavens into misery. Evil has no being in and of itself. It is nothing other than the rejection of the good. There is no Zoroastrian duality of Good against Evil. Yes, I do believe Satan exists (though I don't see that he is fundamental or central to the Gospel), but he is not Evil incarnate, he is merely the first in creation who happened to reject good.

I think I've said everything I wanted to say for this post. Bye :)


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