Christian Boylove Forum

The Human Condition (Re: Confusion)

Submitted by the happy prince on August 14 1999 at 20:57:55
In reply to Confusion Submitted by rylan on August 14 1999 at 13:57:45

Peace to you all . . .

Thank you for the opportunity to speak in this forum. I have been interested to read the diverse range of views being expressed here, and feel myself being drawn especially into the discussion about what Rylan calls his "condition". I experience confusion too! And I attribute these feelings to my condition -- the human condition. It's just as well that the love of God is UNCONDITIONAL.

It is not without significance that the central figure in the Christian gospel is One in whom deity and humanity are united, flesh and spirit balanced and harmonised.

As a member of the human species, I live and move and have my being on a variety of levels. But it is always and only in God that I live and move and have my being.

When I experience a conflict between love and morality, it cannot be love which is at fault. I see no confusion here -- only perfect clarity. God is love, and love focuses always and only on what is best for the beloved.

I do not propose to enter into a debate about what the Bible or the Church have to say about moral issues, or to make a pronouncement on boylove. I would prefer to offer a reminder that the Bible and the Church are both manifestations of the process of managing the human condition.

Jesus is the Word of God. God spoke the world into being. God continues to speak and life continues to spring forth. God lives in and through us as we live together. God speaks in us and through us as we speak together. We are co-creators of the world in which we live.

The Church is the body of Christ. We are the body of Christ. We are the Church. Are we then condemning ourselves and each other?

To those among us who perceive the Bible and/or the Church as God intervening in life on earth, may I suggest that you entertain the possibility that life itself is God's whole-hearted involvement with us in a magnificent love-affair.

Who shall separate us from the love of God?

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