Christian Boylove Forum

My two cents

Submitted by Heather on August 26 1999 at 13:13:59
In reply to How do we know? Submitted by Nash on August 25 1999 at 23:33:29

If you put your feelings to good use, they're from God.

That's theologically correct, I believe – any feeling can be put to bad use or to good use (though sublimation is sometimes required in the latter case). Therefore, strictly speaking, all feelings are morally neutral. Anger can be channelled into fighting for people's human rights; hatred can be directed toward sins rather than sinners; greed can be transformed into greediness for the kingdom of heaven . . . The Church, alas, has been slow in recognizing the transforming possibilities of sexual attractions that cannot be acted upon, but there are hints throughout history that individual Christians have recognized the ways in which forbidden sexual attractions can be channelled into glorious (nonsexual) use, particularly when those attractions are combined with love.

The question of what comes from God doesn't make much sense from the Christian point of view because everything created comes from God, everything has been stained with sin, and everything can be redeemed through Christ.


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