Christian Boylove Forum

You are forgiven, go and sin no

Submitted by more (and...) - d on September 02 1999 at 21:00:30
In reply to A confession. Going too far. Submitted by Ben on September 02 1999 at 20:51:02

And... Some churches have the concept of "accountability partners", where two people fess up to each other (in strict confidence) any sins they have done and how well or poorly they are fighting Satan's strongholds in their lives.

I've seen this done "blind", where neither party knows what the issues are, just that there is a problem. For example, you could tell your real-life accountability partner that you have an area of sin in your life and that you recently stumbled. No need to say that it involves sexual issues.

I was not raised in a tradition of accountability partners, so, while I make a good listener (this includes email), I am too unwilling to confess my sins to anyone but God and those directly affected to make a true "partner".

Love and Peace of Christ to you Ben.

-David ("d")

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