Christian Boylove Forum


Submitted by didaskalos on September 14 1999 at 01:01:14

Open Question for the board:

I will first try to phrase my question objectively, then in another post give my own giddily biased answer. Sorry if this has been done
other times.
(In my last Assurance of Pardon, I compared Church to Traffic School.
Some people were ashamed to be there, some came regularly and were greeted warmly by the intructor. And there was the warm feeling of going back to the lessons learned in youth. So repetition is good.)

To what extent do you all regard Boylove as:

1) A punishment from the devil, an evil separate thing from your real self
something you would pull out by the roots, if you could, a parasite
like mistletoe on an oak tree.

2) Something neutral with good points and bad points. Possibly related to an early imprinting experience, but without a lot of religious meaning.

3) A gift from God that you rejoice in, treasure, share with other people, and live out in the covenant of God's grace as much as possible?

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