Christian Boylove Forum

Re: Had more to say...

Submitted by BLver on September 27 1999 at 16:24:59
In reply to Had more to say... Submitted by Screwed Up on September 27 1999 at 14:09:50

Hi Screw up,

Suffering, because you think you have sinned?? Because extending your love to young boys unconditionally made you feel you have sinned?? You are suffering because you think everything create by God must be perfect. Yes everything created by God is perfect but not the same perfect concept as we human being assumed. You think love and lust are 2 things but in fact they are the same. It's not the love or lust that make you sin, it is the intention behind your drive that make you sin. If you and your bf love each other so much and feel the urge to share everything in love, including the bodies, that's a manifestation of love. On the other hand, if you dig your hand into someone's pant while they are sleeping, then you should feel guilty.

Loving a person is natural. It's all because of our own mind prevent us from expressing our love naturally, then we reside to stealing. It's not totally your fault you have to steal some pleasure. To really feel love, I'd suggest you openly love all the boys around you. Look into their eyes and tell them you love them in every way. You love watching them play, you love to play with them. Tell them you love them because you see the beauty of God's creation in them. In fact, it is God who arranged them to be around you. You have the right and the duty to love them. You would be surprised if you allow yourself to love them unconditionally, listen to what they want. Soon you will discover they occasionally need your touch. They might just want a pat on the shoulder or a big hug or even share a bed with you, if you give them at the time they need your love, you have done a good job. Believe me, the job of giving when they need you, is much more rewarding than stealing the pleasure.

Next time if you want to feel someone up, ask yourself if they would be comfortable with your hand's touch. If yes, congratulations, you have a boy's unconditional trust. If not, try only touch their heart with your heart. Your reward would be much bigger than touching them with your hands.


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