Christian Boylove Forum

There is a difference

Submitted by Mark on October 11 1999 at 22:36:30
In reply to Re: How can BL orientation be good? Submitted by Heather on October 11 1999 at 00:00:36

If you talk to any celibate priest or monk or nun, I think they're likely to emphasize that they do have a sexuality. Likewise, so does a lay heterosexual who, for whatever reason, never meets the partner of their choice and chooses to remain celibate.

Oh yes, I agree. But I think there is a difference: they have freely chosen to be celibate. I feel that I am pretty much forced to be so by my orientation and society--things beyond my control. I think that makes a big difference psychologically. I remember reading in graduate school a sociologist's explanation that Asian-Americans have adapted so well in US society while Africa-Americans haven't because the former chose to immigrate here, while the latter did not. It seems like there's a connection here, but it's not completely clear in my mind.

The gay man you mention is more comparable. It would be interesting to meet him! I'll see what comes of my meetings with gay men in the church-related organization I am becoming part of.

I know the point you're trying to make with your blind friend, but the analogy doesn't quite work. After all, driving is not an expression of blindness. Reading braille is, but of course it doesn't involve any risk.


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