Christian Boylove Forum

Some things to be sad about

Submitted by d on October 14 1999 at 10:49:36
In reply to Some things to be happy about... Submitted by BLues on October 14 1999 at 03:53:56

>1. Since Nickelodion is on 24 hrs. a day there is always something great to look at on TV.
I don't have cable. :^(

>2. Your nephews dont aggrevate you as much as they would everyone else.
I don't have nephews :^( :^(

>3. Your only as old as the age of the ones you feel. (had to change that saying a little to make it work!) This may in fact be true because I can still ride the bus for the under 15 fee without showing ID. Honest!
Yikes, I shook hands with ("felt") someone in their 90s the other day. :^( :^( :^( [actually, he's a friend].

>4. If conversation ever gets dull with family members you always have an ace in the hole with... guess what guys...Im sexually attracted to young boys!  (use only as a last resort)
There goes another one :^( :^( :^( :^(

>5. Your imagination, for obvious reasons, will probably be alot better than non-bls. Arent alot of artists boylovers? Hmmm...
And another :^( :^( :^( :^( :^(

>6. Pediatritians, Im assuming, make a hell of a lot of money! (if i only had my education to do over again!)
They make more than I do. :^( :^( :^( :^( :^( :^(

>7. Its actually BETTER to have a small penis! (sure wish mine wasnt 12 inches...heehee)
If you say so :^( :^( :^( :^( :^( :^( :^(

>8. Heightened senses...surely Im not the only one who can pinpoint a 13yr old miles away and sniff the air in a grocery store to tell how many boys are present!
Darn, and all I have are eyes and ears. :^( :^( :^( :^( :^( :^( :^( :^(

>9. You dont get as angry when your late for work already and then get stuck behind a school bus!
All I get stuck behind are city buses :^( :^( :^( :^( :^( :^( :^( :^( :^(

>10. And finally....perhaps the greatest reason of all...When money is tight you can survive all week long eating nothing but Vienna Sausages and actually enjoy it! (ewwwww!! that one cracks me up)
You must not be a pediatrician :^( :^( :^( :^( :^( :^( :^( :^( :^( :^(

-David ("d")

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