Christian Boylove Forum

"D" & Me

Submitted by Perplexed on October 15 1999 at 12:56:10

Please understand that I'm not looking for an answer to this post, just comments, if there even is a difference.

I'm 30 years old. I got out of the military in 1995 and moved in with some friends of mine I had met at church before my two year enlistment. My parents had decided to move to South Carolina. At the time, Paul and Dale (husband and wife) had 4 kids: boy-14, girl-8, girl-4, and boy-2. They welcomed me in with open arms and quite literally treated me as a member of their own family.

Over the next few months, as fate would have it, I began the bonding process with the youngest boy- who I'll call "D". Whenever his older brother would tease or chase him, he'd run to me. After recieving punishment from the "rod of correction", he run to me. It wasn't bad in the beginning.

About 6 months later, Paul's mom died. I have to explain a little about Paul. He the most unemotional person I've ever met. He never cries and never gets angry. His whole philosophy is: Everything happens for a reason. Paul and Dale decided to move from the house they were renting, to his moms house. They offered me my own bedroom. I cant remember for sure, but Dale may have been pregnant with her 5th child by this time. To show you how much they thought of me, I moved into the new house before they did, and lived there for almost 2 full weeks.

Long story short....over the next few years, my and "D" have bonded to such a degree, that I'm almost sure Paul has unspoken feelings about it. He has never shown "D" (or any of his other kids for that matter) a great amount of affection....he's just not an affectionate person. "D" is now 6. It's gotten to the point now where he will run to shower me with hugs before he does his own father. I feel I'm responsible for his emotional growth, not his dad. Please understand I know my place....I'm not his dad. Funny enough though, I'm the kids godfather.

I need to be careful before I start babbleing. I dont know if I should go to my friend Paul and ask him if he'd got any ill feeling that he's never shared with me. It's apparent to all of our friends that "D" is closer to me than Paul, and it doesn't sit right with me.

thats it for now. lunchtime.

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